[JFL] yunjae is pure love ^^v

June 28, 2011 § 71 Comments


I just got email frm a fren bot ths…practically I dun care bot d whole yun///ra thg BUT I love how ths shipper commented n adding some fact w logical spazz

Its in indonesian (n its funnier ths way actually) bt since my PERSONAL BLOG is for worldwide shippers so I’ll gve u all d engtrans too (bear my poor english, I tried to mke it as funny as d original ver bt since accent r hard to trans so…yeah…)

N I got a rly great laugh frm ths…till I got stomachcramp…

I went like “oh cmon~”

Cut craps, here’ d indonesian ver (eng ver below)

♥♥♥♥♥ YunJae Love IS Pure ♥♥♥♥♥

1. YunHo lahir pada February 6, 1986 seng ARA February 11, 1990. Di naungi zodiac yang sama – Aquarius…serta blood type juga sama-sama A


Jaejoong lahir pada tanggal 4 Februari 1986 (yg asli) n Yunho lahir 2 hari kemudian yaitu tanggal 6 Februari 1986, itu karena JJ lahir duluan n Yunho kesepian di surga jadi dia memohon kepada Tuhan untuk segera melahirkannya juga ke dunia biar bisa ketemu Jaejoong lagi:P

2. YunHo n ARA sama-sama mengenyam pendidikan college. Kita tau secara pasti bahwa education itu sangat penting. N hal ini membuktikan kalo YunRa merupakan pribadi yang knowledgeable and smart ^^


apa gunanya pendidikan klo g bisa cari Duit yg banyak, pendidikan tanpa duit? MAKAN TUH IJAZAH.

Pendidikan, pintar? tanpa restu orang tua? MAKAN TUH PENDIDIKAN.

salah satu kakak perempuan JJ punya TOKO yang jual semua pernak pernik YUNJAE. MAKAN TUH TOKO skalian biar loe sadar:P

3. Hobby YunHo Listening to music, reading, and writing. Hobby ARA Listening to music, reading, and writing. Saat hujan turun, YunHo lebih memilih menulis novels daripada melakukan hal lain, seng ARA senang menulis poem di waktu luangnya


Hobby Yunho mencium Jaejoong

Hobby Jaejoong Mencium Yunho


4. YunHo merupakan anak sulung dari 2 bersaudara, YunHo memiliki adik perempuan. ARA juga merupakan anak sulung dari 2 bersaudara, ARA memiliki adik laki-laki


Yunho anak Sulung dari 2 bersaudara, Jaejoong anak bungsu dari 9 bersaudara.

Kata orang jaman dulu (petuah nih) anak sulung paling baik dapet anak Bungsu. penah denger kan…

Petuah itu? Pasti dong…. iya kan? iya kan??


5. YunHo suka binatang (puppies & panda). ARA suka binatang (puppies &bear). Gantungan hape ARA adalah gantungan hape bear, tak lama setelah filming bareng di HTTG, YunHo kedapatan memakai gantungan hape bear..^^..Netizen share info kalo YunHo memberikan gantungan hape bear yang cute pada ARA pada saat …masih filming HTTG ;p


Yunho kedapatan memakai celana dalam Jaejoong karena dia terobsesi dengan jaejoong.:p

Yunho juga sering memakai baju n topi yg SAMA PERSIS karena mereka udah smp tahap dimana mereka SHARE semuanya termasuk CINTA:p

Jaejoong n Yunho pernah HP YANG SAMA PERSIS hanya beda warna. (LIAT COME TO PLAY:p)

6. Aksesories yang dimiliki ARA kebanyakan berbau bear things, mulai dari topi, t-shirt, dompet, tas, gantungan hape, dll. Saat filming HTTG, YunHo kedapatan menggunakan sejenis selimut dengan icon bear untuk menghangatkan tubuhnya


Ara suka ‘bear’

Yunho suka ‘panda’

…Selimut Bear?? di lokasi Syuting?? ITU PROPERTIS KALI MBAK!! BODOH YA!!:@

7. Ini beberapa news yang aku dapat about kencan YunRa sejak filming bareng. YunRa 4x kedapatan kencan.

1. Oct 15 – YunRa, security-nya YunHo, n manager-nya YunHo pergi ke tempat bowling lalu ke tempat karaoke.

2. Oct 22 – YunRa, security-nya YunHo, n manager-nya YunHo pergi ke bioskop untuk menonton film “Good Morning President”

3…. Nov 10 – YunRa, Lee Sang Yoon n manager mereka bertiga serta beberapa teman pergi ke Ski Resort yang berada di Pulau Nami. *aku harap ada foto-nya…T_T*

4. Nov 15 – YunRa, teman YunHo, n teman ARA hang out bersama.


Mereka tidak pernah kelihatan BERDUA. Itu artinya Yunho ama Ara hanya jadi OBAT NYAMUK buat orang2 yg kencan (yg asli)

Mungkin aja kan Securitynya Ara ama Managernya Yunho yang PACARAN. Weeek… Yunho ama Jaejoong udah kenal ortu masing2. n kemungkinan besar mereka telah ‘TAARUF’ untuk perjodohan

8. Dating: Beberapa tahun yang lalu ada rumor kalo ARA seng dekat dengan Lee Teuk, rumor itu benar, tetapi mereka terlihat bersama kurang lebih 6bulan. Lee Soo Man yang mengetahui hal ini sangat marah. N memutuskan untuk memisahkan mereka dengan cara mengatur schedule ARA untuk ke Jepang untuk syuting film Blue Moon. Netizen per…caya YunHo n ARA benar-benar berkencan. Di beberapa akun fanclub, para fans hanya menyebutkan nama YunHo saja padahal ARA pun ikut hang out. Fans ARA merasa bahwa para fans YunHo tidak menyebutkan nama ARA agar tidak menjadi rumor. Para fans ARA juga memadati lokasi syuting HTTG n dapat merasakan kebenaran bahwa YunHo n ARA berkencan karena tatapan mata mereka berdua saat berpanngan n body language keduanya. Pada saat pesta perpisahan HTTG, Yoonji menyuapi YunHo, ekspresi wajah YunHo terlihat jelas sangat tidak nyaman saat ARA melihat ke arahnya..*aku bisa bayangin gimana ekspresi oppa..keke*


ha?? apa hubungannya ara deket ama Teuki trus dikirim ke Jepang trus rumor Yunho pacaran ama Ara keluar?? ha?? maksudnya?? -___-“

body Language?? emang km ngerti body languange?? trus Yunho ama Ara emang Kuliahnya di Universitas jurusa…n Body langauge?? ada gitu??

tatapan mesra, mbak.. penah berpikir klo mereka lagi latihan untuk adegan filmnya?? gendeng, dodol, bodoh, penggemar yg berpendidikan kok gak kayak g punya pendidikan gini? -___-“

Yunho di suapin Yoonji?? itu karena Yoonji disitu pas syutingnya lagi ikut WGM ama Kangin. Ya jelas lah Yunho merasa gak enak. dia itu takut tau klo di kasih tonjokan mautnya KANGIN. aku bisa membayangkan betapa takutnya Yunho waktu itu membayangkan dia akan di tonjok sama kangin gara2 seket ama ‘istri’ nya kangin saat itu.

9. Di sebuah majalah interview – YunHo’s interview

Q: Apa yang membuatmu tertarik dari seorang gadis?

A: Mata. Saat aku berbicara dengan seseorang, aku akan selalu menatap matanya. Aku tidak begitu yakin hal apa yang dapat membuatku berpendapat “Matanya indah”, tapi aku dapat merasakannya bila sorot matanya memancarkan perasaan pemi…liknya. Comment: Mata?? YunHo pastinya terinspirasi ARA. ARA dikenal memiliki mata yang indah. Karena filming bersama saat HTTG kemungkinan YunHo tertarik pada ARA karena hal ini.

Q: Tipe gadis dengan fashion yang seperti apa yang menurutmu menarik?

A: White style. Aku menyukai gadis dengan intellectual n elegant style. Comment: ARA terlihat elegant di beberapa photoshoots. Jika kita melihat beberapa majalah yang menampilkan ARA sebagai model, kita dapat melihat bahwa sosok ARA mempunyai sisi grace, classy, n elegance dalam dirinya.:)


Disebuah acara yaitu ‘MY FAVOURITE’ yunho berkata bahwa dia akan mengambil Jaejoong sebagai Istrinya karena jaejoong memiliki semua type idaman dia.

1. MATA YANG BAGUS (pasti lebih bagus daripada matanya ara)

2. Rambut yg lurus n Indah (Yg pasti gak bulak rambutnya Ara)

3. BISA MASAK. (Ara bisa masak Indomie goreng kah?:p)

4. Personality yg detail n berpendirian kuat. (Ara pasti rambutnya bercabang, gak merhatiin detail sih. trus dia pasti suka nangis gak kuat kayak Jaejoong:p) di Interview di Jepang Yunho bilang dia Typenya adalah yang HOMELY. ARA pasti suka Dugem. jaejoong meski suka dugem tp dia HOMELY banget. dia Lho UMMAnya DBSK.:p

10. Pada Senin malam (tidak diketahui tepatnya kapan), YunRa dinner dengan SM Family. Suju, f(x), ARA, SHINee, Yoona/Sunny/Tiffany (SNSD), YunHo n Lee Soo Man pergi keluar untuk makan malam.


di Happy Together. Yunho pernah bilang klo dia bertemu PArk Myung Soo (salah satu MC Happy Together selain Yoo Jae Suk) saat Yunho n Jaejoong MAKAN BERDUA (tanpa security n manager lagi) Makan Steak Tepatnya. BEDUA MA MEN….. BERDUA!! INGAT!! ting.

11. ARA terlihat menghadiri konser Tribute To Michael Jackson “This Is It” bersama Changmin, SHINee’s Minho, Jungmo, n Cha Byul dari HTTG pada saat di helat di Korea. YunHo merupakan satu-satunya perwakilan ASIA dalam project tersebut.


saat itu tidak ada scandal YUNRA yang ada perhatian Massa n Pers tertuju kepada CHANGMIN &… MINHO.

skali lagi, JAEJOONG MENGHADIRI GOONG-nya Yunho SEORANG DIRI (tanpa security, Manager, maupun TEMAN) n Yunho langsung semangat manggungnya.

12. YunHo terlihat menghadiri pernikahan salah seorang manager artis SME bersama dengan SM Artists termasuk ARA!


Yunho pernah ke Rumah Jaejoong SENDIRIAN!! TANPA SECURITY, MANAGER, TEMAN ATAUPUN ARTIS SM LAINNYA. INGAT!! LIHAT!! RESAPI!! N PAMAHAMI!!! TANPA!! skali lagi TANPA!!! Security, Manager, Teman atau Artis SM lainnya.

13. YunRa menghadiri Konser Lee Seung Chul bersama Eugene, Jung Jun Ho, etc!


YUNJAE menghadiri Mimpiku bersama2. Berdua aja. TANPA Security, Manager, Teman atau Artis Lainnya.

trus, lu salah tulis Woi. SAPA TUH JUNG JUN HO?? Salah orang kali lu. Jung Jun Ho pacarnya Ara, bukan Jung YUN HO.:p

14. Yunra terlihat pergi ke tempat bowling bersama Minho n Changmin. ARA mengenakan kaos putih, celana hitam, serta topi putih n berdiri di dekat YunHo.



Yunho suka Bowling jelas lah dia ikut, menemani muda mudi Changmin n Minho. T…akut nyasar kali. Ara aja yg ikut2an. NUNUT wae. -___-“

15. After Party HTTG, YunHo (Cha Bong Goon), ARA (Kang Hae Bin), Lee Sang Yoon (Jang Seung Woo), Lee Yoon Ji (Oh Yeon Yi) terlihat berkumpul saat farewell party bersama kru yang lain. Mereka menonton episode terakhir dengan perasaan yang campur aduk. After party, ke-4 pemain berfoto bersama dengan para kru n menyampaikan rasa terim…akasih mereka. YunHo tertawa n berkata: “Setelah debutku, autographs ini mungkin merupakan autographs terbaik yang pernah aku tandatangani. Selama sesi penandatanganan autographs, YunHo juga membagikan CD ke semua kru untuk menunjukkan rasa terimakasihnya, hal ini membuat YunHo dijuluki “Gentleman YunHo”. ARA yang berkeliling untuk menyampaikan ucapan terimakasih n pelukan pada semua kru yang sudah dianggapnya sebagai keluarga, pada akhirnya mulai menangis karena akan berpisah dengan mereka. YunHo menghapus airmata ARA n berjanji panya bahwa mereka akan bertemu lagi dalam project yang lebih baik di kemudian hari. Comment: Can’t believe that..Aku ikutan sedih pas selesai baca artikel yang membahas after party ini..HTTG beneran seperti sebuah keluarga besar. N…oppa menghapus airmata ARA..wuii..so sweet oppa..mau dong dihapus airmatanya sama oppa..hihi


SAAT Itu Jaejoong memasak untuk Yunho n Yunho bilang ‘masakan Jaejoong tidak enak’ Jaejoong langsung menangis n dia tidak menyapa yunho selama 2 minggu, Yunho langsung frustasi dengan PERASAAN CAMPUR ADUK n terlihat sangat stress n akhirnya dia memutuskan untuk meminta maaf kepada Jaejoong. Jaejoong langsung menangis n Yunho langsung menghapus dengan sangat lebut n penuh perasaan, dengan Ibu Jarinya n dengan BODY LANGUAGE yg sangat Romatis n Luar Biasa Mesranya. Comment: Aduh Yunho Appa so sweeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeett…….. banget ama Umma, aku mau dong Appa, di gituin daripada gituin Admin FP ini, nanti Appa ketularan penyakit kulit n penyakit sarapnya admin Appa. ;D

16. Masih pada ingat nggak kissing scene-nya Bong Goon sama Hae Bin yang terjadi pas moment penawaran Wonderful Eleven pada Bong Goon n Hae Bin mengijinkan Bong Goon untuk pergi ke Jepang?^^..Lokasi yang dipakai adalah a lonely alley (sebuah gang kecil yang sepi), kalo kita cermati di beberapa drama Korea lokasi ini sering di pakai…. Waktu itu syutingnya uda tengah malam, udara dingin. Di beberapa scene sebelumnya YunRa uda sering melakukan NG. Official news yang aku dapat menulis kalo kissing scene ini hanya in one take. Waktu YunHo di tanya soal kissing scene, ini jawaban YunHo: “Pada waktu itu, aku tidak memikirkan ARA sebagi artis melainkan menganggap ARA sebagai gadisku. Saat memikirkannya, aku mendapatkan mood dengan cepat. Saat director berteriak ‘cut’, aku berpikir aku akan merasa sangat malu tapi aku bersyukur ARA sangat membantuku.” Comment: Iiiih..membayangkan oppa menganggap ARA sebagai gadisnya tuh bikin hatiku hangat hehe.
Ssstt..tau nggak dari salah satu fanclub, aku dapat news kalo kissing scene ini bukan in one take tapi beberapa kali take. Ne…ws ini di dapat dari salah seorang kru HTTG sendiri. ARA terlihat masih malu-malu n tidak nyaman seng YunHo terlihat seperti professional. Netizens berpendapat: “Melihat Bong Goon n Hae Bin kissing membuatku gugup juga”, “Bong Goon terlihat cool”, “Part itu merupakan kissing scene yang bagus”, “YunHo is a good kisser”, “I envy ARA”


Masih pada inget gak, Takenya Yunho ama Jaejoong di NGEROUS LOVE??? mereka melakukan adegan dari pagi sampek sore, n mereka sangat menikmati itu. Bahkan Yunho menyanyikan lgu untuk jaejoong. “NOEREUL SARANGHAENUNDAE~!!” artinya!! –> saku sangat MENCINTAIMU!!! INGAT!! MENCINTAIKU!!! Bukan Security, Manager, Teman atau Artis SM lainnya. MENCINTAI JAEJOONG!!:p

(According Info FP ini)

Pada waktu itu, aku tidak memikirkan ARA sebagi artis melainkan menganggap ARA sebagai gadisku (JAEJOONG). Saat memikirkannya (PRETTY JAEJOONG), aku mendapatkan mood dengan cepat. Saat director berteriak ‘cut’, aku berpikir (ALHAMDULILLAH, SELESAI JUGA) aku akan merasa sangat malu (TAKUT JAEJOONG LIAT) tapi aku bersyukur (ADEGANNYA SELESAI) ARA sangat membantuku (Bohong besar nih part).” Comment: Aduh, Appa, harusnya waktu itu minta Ara di ganti ama Jae Umma dong, biar gak NG biar gak take lama2, langsung 1 take Selesai deh. iya kan… lain kali SELALU BAWA JAE UMMA KEMANA PUN KAU PERGI, biar NYAMUK2 seperti Ara tidak berani mendekatimu, okay?:D

17. YunRa sama-sama mempunyai wajah yang kecil, kita tau kalo kebanyakan wajah orang Korea itu agak lebar n bulat, tinggi ban proporsional, senyum menawan, suka anak kecil, friendly, n humble. Tidak setiap orang terlahir dengan sifat bawaan humble karena pada dasarnya sifat humble ini dapat dimiliki melalui proses yang sangat p…anjang n melelahkan.


info ini sama skali TIDAK JELAS n TIDAK BERHUBUNGAN dengan ANYA CINTA. klo mau tau yg anya CInta.

Coba liat Foto Masa Kecil Yunho n Jaejoong, MEREKA SANGAT MIRIP!! orang bilang wajah mirip itu adalah JODOH.

klo mau mendapatkan wajah yg KECIL kayak ARA tinggal pergi ke area APGUJEONG di Korea, bilang ama orang berjubah putih.



18. YunHo sejak remaja sudah berada sangat jauh dari rumah n keluarganya. YunHo memutuskan untuk meninggalkan kampung halamannya n pergi ke Seoul untuk mengejar mimpinya. Seringkali YunHo tidak mempunyai tempat untuk tidur serta bekerja serabutan. Saat remaja ARA sering berpindah-pindah karena ayahnya merupakan seorang military. …Pada awalnya terasa sangat sulit bagi ARA untuk berpindah-pindah n harus beradaptasi dengan lingkungan baru serta berpisah n mendapat teman-teman yang baru. Saat masuk sebagai artis SM pun, YunRa menghadapi saat-saat sulit. Latihan beberapa jam setiap hari, peraturan yang ketat, kurangnya jam istirahat serta belum anya kepastian untuk debut. Di salah satu interview, YunHo pernah berkata: Aku sangat ingin berada di stage, aku ingin orang-orang mengenalku, menyukai laguku. Hal inilah yang membuatku untuk tetap bertahan. Aku tidak akan memaksakan diriku untuk melakukan sesuatu yang tidak ingin aku lakukan. Comment: YunRa pantas berada di tempat mereka berada sekarang..Hwaiting!^^


woooi….ada 1 hal yg salah dengen sudut panngmu.



…Mau tahu Kisah yang mirip dengan Yunho, akan saya ceritakan.

Pasa saat umur 15 tahun, seorang anak lagi berwajah cantik (can lebih cantik dari ara) nekad minggat ke seoul untuk mengejar mimpinya sebagai penyanyi. Dia harus hidup semrawut, Kerja serabutan juga, Sebagai loper Koran atau sebagai salah 1 dari Ribuan Prajurit China di salah satu film. bahkan berjualan permen karet untuk bayar uang Kos yg jelek amat. n anak laki2 itu memiliki prinsip yang SAMA PERSIS dengan prinsip hidup Yunho. COMMENTKU: ITU ADALAH KIM JAEJOONG Pada saat dia umur 15 tahun n dia JAUH LEBIH PANTAS berada di tempat yg sama dg Yunho daripada anak manja yg IKUT oRTU kemana2. D:

19. YunHo lolos audisi sebagai 1st Best Ncer. ARA mengikuti audisi yang di adakan SME secara kebetulan karena pada waktu itu ARA menemani temannya untuk audisi n temannya menyarankannya untuk ikut audisi. Audisi yang diikuti ARA adalah sebagai ncer BoA.


JAEJOONG N YUNHO mengikuti Audisi untuk mengejar Impian mereka (yg sama) TANPA ANYA KEBETULAN n DISURUH TEMAN (apalagi disuruh Security, Manager atau artis2 SM lainnya)..

Yunho n Jaejoong saling mengenal BAHKAN SEBELUM MEREKA AUDISI. Ngerti??? mereka itu… SUDAH BERJODOH Bahkan Sebelum anak yg namanya ARA itu KEBETULAN MENGANTAR TEMANNYA AUDISI.

skali lagi.


21. YunHo bersahabat dekat dengan HeeChul (SuJu) n Sugar. Beberapa sahabat dekat ARA adalah Taeyeon, Sunny n Tiffany SNSD


Jaejoong bersahabat dengan Kim HYUNJOONG (mantan SS501), Park YoungHA, Shirota Yuu n Lain2. sementara Soohee n Yeun adalah Anggota WG. <<– Lagi2 Fact yg gak nyambung untuk INFO YANG GAK NYAMBUNG.

…Trus, apa hubungannya.

Heechul (Suju) n Sugar sahabatnya Yunho. trus ARA deket ama Teayeon, Sunny ama Tiffany. Emang mereka betiga ANGGOTA SUJU AMA SUGAR?? Dodol nih yg Bikin INFO.

22. ARA sering mengunjungi SHINee saat mereka latihan n memberikan support pada mereka. ARA menganggap para member SHINee sebagai teman n juga adik. ARA juga menyukai nama Sparkling SHINee.


Trus YUNHOnya mana?? di Shinee anya MINHO bukan YUNHO. salah otak nih adminnya. ini FPnya YUNRA (YUNHO ARA) kan?? BUKAN YUNRA (jonghYUN ARA) toh?? sana service dulu tuh otak n cara pikir… -___-“

skali lagi. DODOL.

23. Pada saat scene dimana Bong Goon mengendarai motorbike untuk menyelamatkan Hae Bin, YunHo melakukan part itu sendiri tanpa bantuan stuntman meskipun pihak produksi telah menyediakan seorang stuntman. YunHo berujar: “Sangat keren mengendarai motorbike di jembatan. Hal itu merupakan hal yang tidak setiap hari dapat aku lakukan, jadi aku merasa harus melakukannnya tanpa bantuan stuntman. Aku ingin mengetahui bagaimana rasanya n tetap fokus di saat yang bersamaan” ARA berujar: “Sangat tidak mudah melakukan part ini, tapi karena para kru telah melakukan berbagai cara untuk menghindarkan kami dari bahaya, hal itu membuat kami menjadi tidak takut lagi”


ini berhubungan dengan YUNRA ya?? ini mah Kecintaan Yunho pada tantangan (jembatan n motor lebih tepatnya).

Info yang sangat dodol. skali lagi DODOL. Dodol Garut enak banget. apalagi klo pas buat dodolnya Admin nyemplun…g ke dalam kuualinya, Pasti lebih enak. DODOL LU.

24. Beberapa orang yang bekerja sama dengan ARA berkomentar mengenai cara berbicara ARA yang unik.


SELURUH Cassie (ASLI Bukan Abal2 macam Admin) DI DUNIA bilang klo JAEJOONG itu cara ketawanya Unik, Cantik, cara nyanyinya Luar Biasa, Cantik, Cara menyumnya menggemaskan Cantik, Cara menarinya Unik. Apa aku udah bilang CANTIK? ._.

25. Saat kecil ARA bercita-cita menjadi seorang penyiar


Waktu kecil Jaejoong bercita2 untuk menjadi PEMILIK SUPERMARKET. <<–skali lagi, Fact yg gak nyambung untuk INFO YG GAK NYAMBUNG.

26. Pada episode 11, kita dapat melihat Bong Goon n Hae Bin menjadi semakin dekat satu dengan yang lain. Diceritakan Bong Goon mendapatkan sebuah kupon makan gratis dari Ae Ja-sshi. Hae Bin yang melihat Bong Goon dengan pakaian formal tak dapat menahan tawanya. Di part ini, kita dapat melihat bagaimana Bong Goon mencoba melakukan h…al terbaik yang dapat dilakukannya untuk menarik perhatian Hae Bin. Bong Goon berpikir kalo Hae Bin merupakan tipe seorang gadis yang menyukai pria yang memakai pakaian formal, mengendarai mobil bagus, mempunyai banyak uang n mengajaknya keluar untuk makan di resto yang berkelas. Tapi Hae Bin berujar: “Just make a goal. Dapat mencetak goal merupakan hal yang lebih baik daripada mengajak keluar untuk makan di resto mahal 100 kali. Banyak pria dapat melakukannya tapi hanya seorang pemain bola yang dapat mencetak goal n melakukan selebrasi.” ” Hae Bin memberikan Bong Goon support. Bong Goon memikirkan apa yang
dikatakan Hae Bin, n berusaha sangat keras untuk mencetak goal. N saat dia berhasil mencetak goal, Bong Goon melihat ke arah Hae Bin n mengacungkan ke2 jempolnya. Pada scene ini, kita dapat melihat hati Bong Goon dipenuhi segala hal tentang Hae Bin.


pada episode BANJUN DRAMA, tepatnya bagian NGEROUS LOVE. YUNHO berkata sambil meletakkan tangak HALUS n MULUS seta HARUM MEWANGI SEPANJANG HARI di Danya.

Yunho: “Ianun… Noe Itta.” ARTINYA. KAU ADA DI SINI (Hati Yunho)

Jaejoong: “Yunho-ah…” *menatap dengan BODY LANGUAGE yg MESRA* lalu mereka pun BERPELUKAN di TENGAH TAMAN (dalam FILMNYA lho ya) YANG SEPI SENYAP. HANYA BERDUA. Tanpa Security, Manager, Teman ataupun Artis SM lainnya. OUGH~!! THIS IS ROMANCE!!! R-O-M-A-N-C-E!!! *mimisan*

♥♥♥♥♥ YunJae Love IS Pure ♥♥♥♥♥


N now d engtrans:

♥♥♥♥♥ YunJae Love IS Pure ♥♥♥♥♥

1. yunho born feb 6th, 1986 while ara feb 11th, 1990 [I cant believe im older thn her, I mean she looks old xD] under d same zodiac – aquarius, w same bloodtype A


Jaejoong born feb 4th, 1986 (d real one) n yunho born 2 days later feb 6th, 1986. Ths cz jae born 1st n yunho felt so lonely in heaven so he wished to God to let him born into d world so he able to meet his jaejoongie 😛

2. yunho n ara both were college student. We all knw tht education is important. N ths thg proves tht yunra r knowledgeable n smart ppl ^^


Whts d use of knowledge whn u unable to earn money? Knowledge w/o money? EAT THT DIPLOMA.

Knowledge, clever? w/o bless frm parent? EAT THT KNOWLEDGE.

One of jae’ sister had a store selling all YUNJAE” accessories n stuffes. EAT THT STORE so u realize it 😛

3. yunho’ hobby is listening to music, reading, n writing. Ara’ hobby is listening to music, reading, n writing. When rain falls, yunho prefer writes novel rather thn anythg, while ara likes to write poem in her spare time


Yuho’ hobby is kissing jaejoong

Jae’ hobby is kissing yunho


4. yunho is 1st som w a younger sister. Ara also 1st daughter w a younger brother


Yunho is 1st kid w 1 sister, jae is last kid w 8 sisters

Old ppl said tht 1st kid suit best w last kid ev heard it rite?

[based on psychology, 1st kid born to be maturer w huge responsibility while last kid born to be childish cz of every love they got]


5. yunho loves puppies n panda. Ara loves puppies n bear. Ara’ phonestrap was bear strap, nt so long aft filming HTTG yunho used bearstrap ^^ netizen shared tht yunho gve tht bear strap to ara whn they still filming HTTG ;P


Yunho caught off wearing jae’ underwear cz he’ obsessed w jae 😛

Yunho also caught off wearing clothes n hats EXACTLY D SAME cz they alrdy in a phase where they SHARE everythg include LOVE 😛

Jae n yunho use D EXACTLY SAME PHONE w different color (COME TO PLAY)

6. ara’ accessories mostly bear themed, hats, tees, purses, bags, phonestraps, etc. whn filming HTTG yunho caught off wearing blanket w bear printed on it to warming his body


Ara loves bear

Yunho loves panda

……….bear blanket? In shoot area? THTS SHOOT PROPERTY STUPID!!

7. these’ some news I got bot yunra’ dates since filming tgt. Yunra caught off dating 4x

1. Oct 15 – yunra, yunho’ security, n yunho’ manager went to bowling place n then norebang

2. Oct 22 – yunra, yunho’ security, n yunho’ manager went to cinema to watch “Good Morning President”

3. Nov 10 – YunRa, Lee Sang Yoon n all their managers w some frens went to ski resort in nami island *I hope there’ pic of it T__T*

4. Nov 15 – yunra, yunho’ fren, n ara’ fren hangout tgt


They never seen only BOTH OF THEM ALONE, tht means yunho n ara only being d 3rd wheel for d one in date

Who knws tht yunho’ security n yunho’ manager were dating. Both yunho n jae alrdy knw each other’ parent, who knws tht they r in one-step-b4-d-wed phase

8. Dating: few years ago there’ rumor tht ara was close w leeteuk. Tht rumor was true, bt they’ seen tgt for only 6 months. Lee Soo Man who knwn it was mad n decided to separate them by schedulling ara to japan to filming Blue Moon. Netizen believes yunho n ara rly was dating. In few fanaccs, most fans mention only yunho w/o bothering mention ara’ name infact tht ara also tagged along. Ara’ fans felt tht yunho’ fans didn’t mention ara’ name to reduce rumor. All ara’ fans who cme to HTTG shoot area able to felt d truth of yunho dating ara cz d stares they shared n their body langs. In HTTG farewell party, yoonji fed yunho. His expression totally uncomfortable whn ara saw him *I can imagine oppa’ expression kekeke*


ha?? Whts d relation between ara closed w leeteuk n sent to japan n rumor bot yunho dating ara? Ha?? D meaning??  -___-“

body Language?? Do u ev knw bot body lang? did yunho n ara study in body lang faculty in college? Is it evn exist?

Lusting stare…tsc…ev reconsider it as a practice for d filming? Crazy, lunkhead, stupid, how culd a fans of educated idol uneducated like ths?  -___-“

Yoonjin fed yunho? Tht cz yoonjin was shooting for WE GOT MARRIED w kangin, its totally obvious yunho wuld feel awkward, he’ afraid of kangin n his fist. I can imagine how afraid yunho was tht time cz he’ so close w his wife

9. Interview in a magz – YunHo’s interview

Q: wht mke u interested w a girl?

A: eyes. Whn I talked to someone, I’ll stare her eyes. Im nt rly sure wht mkes me think ‘her eyes’ so beautiful”, bt I can feel her stare able to show her heart n her feeling. Comment: eyes? Yunho must be inspired by ara. Ara infame w beautiful eyes. Cz of filming HTTG mke a huge chance the yunho fell for ara cz of ths

Q: wht girl’ fashion type interest u most?

A: White style. I like girl w intellectual n elegant style. Comment: ara looked elegant in few photoshoots. If we saw few magz showed ara as model, we able to see ara who had grace, classy, nelegance sides inside herself J


In a variety show ‘MY FAVOURITE’ yunho ev said tht he wuld tke jaejoongie as his wife cz jae got all his ideal types

1. BEAUTIFUL EYES (better thn ara)

2. straight n beautiful hair (soooo nt ara)

3. ABLE TO COOK (culd ara mke instant noodle?)

4. detailed personality n strong faith/loyal (ara must hve branched hair, never care bot details, n she likes to cry unlike jae who held back his tears infront of everyone) in japan’ interview yunho said he likes HOMELY type, ara must be likes clubbing, altho jae loves clubbing bt he’ HOMELY as TVXQ’ umma 😛

10. in Monday nite (unknown date) yunra had a dine tgt w SM fam. Suju, f(x), ara, shinee, yoona/sunny/tiffany (SNSD), yunho, n lee soo man went out tgt for diner


In happy tgt, yunho ev said tht he met park myung soo (one of happy tgt’ MC beside Yoo Jae suk) whn yunho n jae ATE TGT W ONLY BOTH OF THEM, no security n manager, ate steak to be exact. ONLY 2 OF THEM…2!!!

11. ara was seen attending Tribute To Michael Jackson “This Is It” w Changmin, SHINee’s Minho, Jungmo, n Cha Byul fmn HTTG whn it held in korea. Yunho was d ony representative frm asia in tht project


Tht time there’ no yunra rumor as all attention fell to CHANGMIN & MINHO

Once again…….JAEJOONG ATTENDED YUNHO’ GOONG ALONE (no security, manager, evn fren) n yunho suddenly looked so passionately

12. yunho was seen attending one of SME’ artist’ manager wed w SM Artists included ARA!


Yunho ev went to jae’ house ALONE!!! NO SECURITY, MANAGER, FREN, OR OTHER SM ARTIST. REMEMBER, ALONE! LOOK!! FEEL IT!! UNDERSTAND IT!! WITHOUT!! Once again WITHOUT security, manager, fren, or SM artist

13. YunRa attended Lee Seung Chul’ con wEugene, Jung Jun Ho, etc!


YUNJAE attended my dream tgt, only 2 of them, w/o security, manageer, fren, or other artist

n…u wrote it wrong. WHO’ JUNG JUN HO? U mistaken, jung jun ho is ara’ boyfren, nt jung yunho 😛

14. Yunra caught off going to bowling place tgt w minho n changmin. Ara use white tee, black pants, n white hoat n stood beside yunho



Yunho loves bowling, ofc he’ in, companying minho n changmin…ara was d one who tagging along =3=

15. After Party HTTG, YunHo (Cha Bong Goon), ARA (Kang Hae Bin), Lee Sang Yoon (Jang Seung Woo), Lee Yoon Ji (Oh Yeon Yi) were seen gathering tgt whn d farewell w other crews. They wathed d last eps w mixed feeling. Aft party, 4 of them took pic tgt w d crews n said their gratitude. Yunho laughed n said “aft my debut, ths autographs might be my best autographs” along autographing, yunho also shared CDs to all crews to show his gratitude, ths mde yunho titled as “Gentleman YunHo”. Ara who travel around to said her gratitude n hugs to all crews who had considered as her fam, at d end began to cried cz of their farewell. Yunho wiped ara’ tears n promised tht they’d meet again in next better project. Comment: Can’t believe that.. I felt sad too whn I was done reading d article discussed bot d farewell. HTTG rly liked a huge fam. N oppa wiped ara’ tears…aww…so sweet oppa…pls wipe my tears too oppa…hihi


Tht time jae cooked for yunho n yunho said it didn’t taste good. Jae cried immediately n didn’t greet yunho for 2 weeks. Yunho was frustrated w MIXED FEELINGS, n looked so stress n finally he decided to apologize to jae. Jae cried in instant n yunho wiped his tears slowly n smoothly, w his thumb n romantic BODY LANG n outstandingly intimate. Comment: aww yunho appa so sweeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeett…….. w Umma, appa I wanna been treated like tht too, rather thn treated tht way to admin of ths FP, or u’ll contaminatd w skin disease n brain disease of ths FP ;D

16. remember kissing scene of Bong Goon w Hae Bin happen in Winning Eleven offer to Bong Goon n Hae Bin to let Bong Goon go to japan?^^ d location was a lonely alley, if we looked in few korean drama, ths place appears lots. Tht time d shoot was in mid of nite, cold. In few scenes b4 yunra did lotta NGs. Official news I got wrote tht ths kissing scene only in one take. Whn yunho was asked bot it, he answered “tht time, I dun think ara as an artist bt as my girl. Whn I think bot it I got d mood rly fast. Whn d director shouted CUT, I was ashamed bt I was thankfull tht ara helped me”. Comment: Iiiih..imaginig oppa thought of ara as his girl warmed my heart hehehe. Ssstt..do u knw, frm one fanclub I got news tht d kissing scene wasn’t tken one bt few times. Ths news was gotten frm HTTG’ crew. Ara looked so shy n uncomfortable so yunho loked so professional. Netizen said “seeing Bong Goon n Hae Bin kissing mke me nervous”, “Bong Goon looks cool”, “tht part was a good kissing scene”, “YunHo is a good kisser”, “I envy ARA”


Remember yunho n jae’ take in DANGEROUS LOVE??? They did tht scene frm morn till dawn, n they rly enjoy it. Evn yunho sang a song for jae. “NOEREUL SARANGHAENUNDAE~!!” means!! –> I rly LOVE U!!! REMEMBER!! LOVE U!!! nt security, manager, fren, or SM artist. LOVE JAEJOONG!! :p

(According ths FP)

At tht time, I didnt think ara as an artist bt as my girl (JAEJOONG). Whn I thought of her (PRETTY JAEJOONG), I got d mood rly fast. Whn d director shouted ‘cut’, I thought (THX GOD, FINALLY DONE) I’d feel so embarassed (AFRAID THT JAEJOONG WILL SEE) bt I was very thankful (D SCENE DONE) ara helped me lots (huge lie for ths part).” Comment: aww, Appa, at tht time u supposed to ask ara replaced w Jae Umma, so there’ll no NG so it won’t tke long, done aft a take. Rite… So next time ALWAYS BRING JAE UMMA WHEREV U GO, so MOSQUITOS like ara won’t dare to flirt u ‎​​‎​​​​‎​​‎​​​​ok?

17. Both yunra had small face, we knw tht most korean ppl had wide n round face, proportional height, charming ‎​smile, love kid, friendly, n humble. Nt all ppl born w humble personality cz basically ths humbleness able to been gotten by long process n tiring.


Ths info TOTALLY UNCLEAR n GOT NO POINT NOR RELATION w LOVE. If u wanna knw love, see yunho n jaejoong’ oldpic whn they r kid, THEY TOTALLY LOOK ALIKE!! Ppl said whn 2 ppl got look alike faces, they r fated to be tgt.

If u want small face like ara, all u hve to do is go to APGUJEONG in Korea, said to white coated ppl “DOCTOR, I WANT MY FACE TO BE SMALLER LIKE YUNHO”


18. Yunho since so young left his home n fam. Yunho decided to left his hometown n went to seoul to catch his dream. Yunho often had no place to SLEEP n work randomly. Since young, ara moves a lot cz his dad was a military. At d beginning it felt so hard for her to moves one to another n adapted to new neighborhood, separated n got new frens. Whn trained as SM artist, yunra faced rockynesses. Practiced for hours everyday, tight rules, less rest time, n no fixed desicion of whn will they debut. In an interview, yunho ev said: I wanna be on stage, I want ppl to knw me, to like my songs. Ths is why I survivedM I won’t force myself to do wht I dislike. Comment: yunra totally fit to be where they r now..Hwaiting!^^


woooi…there’ 1 thg mistaken frm ur side.



Wanna knw a story similiar w yunho, I’ll tell u.

At d age of 15, a kid w beautiful face (prettier thn ara) runaway to seoul to catch his dream being a singer. He had to live randomly, work randomly, as newspaper-delivery-boy or being 1 frm thousand chinese soldier in a movie, evn selleing gums to pay rent of a shabby room. N tht boy had d same principles w yunhoK. MY COMMENT: THTS KIM JAEJOONG at d age of 15 n he’ waaaaay fit more to be in same place as yunho better thn clingy kid who followed her parent everywhere D:

19. Yunho pass d audition as 1st best dancer. Ara followed d audition SME held unintentionally whn she was companyin her fren audited n her fren asked her to audited too. D audition ara in was a boa’ dancer.


JAEJOONG N YUNHO applied d audition to catch their (same) dream W/O UNINTENTIONALLY n ASKED BY FREN (moreover asked by security, manager, or SM artist)

Yunho n Jaejoong had known each other EVN BEFORE THEY DID AUDITION. Understand??? They r FATED evn before tht ara kid unintentionally companyin her fren audited.

Once again.


21. Yunho r bestfren w HeeChul (SuJu) n Sugar. Some of ara’ close fren r Taeyeon, Sunny n Tiffany SNSD


Jaejoong BFF w Kim HYUNJOONG (mantan SS501), Park YoungHA, Shirota Yuu n others. Meanwhile Soohee n Yeun r WG’ members. <<– again, another unrelated fact for UNRELATED INFO.

…Then, whts d relation between…Heechul (Suju) n Sugar, yunho’ bestfren w ara close to Taeyeon, Sunny n Tiffany? Did 3 of them R MEMBERS OF SUJU N SUGAR?? Stupid! ‎​¬_¬

22. Ara often paid shinee a visit whn they’ practicing n gve them support. Ara thought of shinee as frens n brothers. Ara also loves d name Sparkling SHINee.


So…where’ d yunho part?? In shinee there’ MINHO NOT YUNHO. Stupid. Isn’t ths FP of YUNhoaRA? NT YUNRA (jonghYUN ARA) rite?? Service ur brain n how it works… -___-“

Once again. LUNKHEAD.

23. There’ a scene where Bong Goon drove a motorbike to save Hae Bin, YunHo did it alone w/o stuntman altho d production alrdy prepare a stuntman. YunHo said: “its so cool to rode d motorbike on d bridge. Tht experience was a thg I won’t do everyday, so I felt like I must do it w/o stuntman. I wanna knw how it feels n focus in d same time” ARA said: “its a tough part to do, bt d crews did everythg to let us out of every possible danger, tht mde us unafraid anymore”


Is it related w yunra thgy?? Its more like yunho’ interest w challange (bridge n motorbike to be exact).

[Omitted, contain accently mock n a rly nt funny one if I trans it ^^v]

24. Few ppl who worked w ara commented tht ara’ talking style was unique.


ALL CASSIE (REAL nt fanmade) AROUND D WORLD said tht JAEJOONG had a unique laugh, pretty, wonderful voice, pretty, charming smileN pretty, unique dance, err…hve I said PRETTY? ._.

25. Whn kid, ara had dream to be an MC (or broadcaster)


Whn kid, jaejoong had a dream to be a SUPERMARKET OWNER. <<–once again, unrelated fact for UNRELATED INFO.

26. In eps 11, we culd see Bong Goon n Hae Bin getting close one each other. It showed tht Bong Goon got free meal coupon frm Ae Ja-sshi. Hae Bin who saw Bong Goon w suit culdnt handle her laugh. In ths part, we can see how hard Bong Goon tried to do his best to get Hae Bin’ attention. Bong Goon thought tht Hae Bin was a type who likes man in formal clothes, drive nice car, hve lotta money n ask her out to dine in classy restaurant. Bt Hae Bin said: “Just make a goal. Able to mke a goal is better thn asking me out to expensive restaurant 100x. Many men able to do it bt only soccer player who able to mke a goal n do celebration.” ”Hae Bin gve Bong Goon supports. Bong Goon thought wht Hae Bin said, n tried hard to mke a goal. N whn he did it, Bong Goon saw onto Hae Bin n gve 2 thumbs up. In ths scene, we able to see tht Bong Goon’ heart was fulfilled w everythg bot Hae Bin.


In a BANJUN DRAMA, to be exact in DANGEROUS LOVE. YUNHO said while laid a SMOOTH n SOFT n FRAGRANCE ALL DAY LONG in his chest.

Yunho: “Ianun… Noe Itta.” MEANS U R HERE (yunho’ heart)

Jaejoong: “Yunho-ah…” *stare w romantic BODY LANG* n thn they HUGGED in MID OF PARK (in d movie..) THT EMPTY, ONLY 2 OF THEM. No security, manager, fren, or SM artist. OUGH~!! THIS IS ROMANCE!!! R-O-M-A-N-C-E!!! *nosebleed*

♥♥♥♥♥ YunJae Love IS Pure ♥♥♥♥♥


Cre: as emailed

Soooooo how’s tht??

I knw…I phail…d engtrans didnt sounds as funny as d original >o< bt as I ve said sometimes accent for some ppl funny (cz they knw it) for others won’t be as funny as it is (cz its strange in our ears)

Nevertheless, enjoy

PS: since I use my phone to post it, maybe later I’ll edit ths post up if I find its messed up ^^

Posted with WordPress for BlackBerry.


*sigh* i knw, phone update is a mess…i shuld prepare it as draft next time if i wanna update via phone on d exact date

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§ 71 Responses to [JFL] yunjae is pure love ^^v

  • rouz_chernyl says:

    mwuahahahaha…hadudududu..keren abiz dah…yup se7,dodol garut pol d tu,y kn Tuhan ngasih human otak bwt mikir..yg g guna tu kn dh dkasi otak tp g dpake bwt mkir,,q c i dont care bout yunra,,terserah lah fans nya mw ngoceh opoan,y klo mrk prcya gtu y sakkarep,,asl g krg gawean ae ngajak2 orla (ap lg fansnya yunjae unt pcaya ma pkiran mrk),,tiap org kn puny privacy dw2..ap lg pikiran,yg nmanya pkiran tuh sapa pun g bs dpaksa2..kec d cuci otak dlu tuh (hehe jd inget ksus cuci otak d neg qt d),,ah msq SME kowar2 klo yunra tu pacaran aq jg g pduli (yah ingt scene d film2 korea yg da kaitane ma entertain d,ex: u r beautiful, secret garden jg),la kn disono dcritain artis (yg lg pcaran or kna skandal) yg justru disiarin ma mnajemen nya tu malah g bner aslie la cm strategi pasar doang ngunu..yg sembunyi2 (tnpa campur tgn mnajemen tuh malah yg bner), ohohoho whatever d,tp bnr g ocehan q barusan?ehehehehe

  • hyeji says:

    u’re right.. Those who loves yunra couple are stpid.. Yunjae have more fact bout their love.. N its realistic, nt like yunra fact tht (yeah u know dibikin nyambung padahal ga smaskali)..
    Hey ppl out there who loves yunra couple, open ur heart mind n soul, ahh i forget ths one, OPEN UR EYES.. absolutely check ur brain connection, is it still work? Hahaha, sowry, im so emotional..

  • hyeji says:

    u’re right.. Those who loves yunra couple are stpid.. Yunjae have more fact bout their love.. N its realistic, nt like yunra fact tht (yeah u know dibikin nyambung padahal ga smaskali)..
    Hey ppl out there who loves yunra couple, open ur heart mind n soul, ahh i forget ths one, OPEN UR EYES.. absolutely check ur brain connection, is it still work? Hahaha, sowry, im so emotional..
    YUNJAE IS REAL.. \^o^/

    • Ridda says:

      “Hey ppl out there who loves yunra couple, open ur heart mind n soul, ahh i forget ths one, OPEN UR EYES.. absolutely check ur brain connection, is it still work? ” ROFLMAO

  • zuani says:

    althought i have to read it couple of time….try to understand it but somewhere i’ m found it soooooo funny…..

    i reallly didn’t believe yunho n ara are actually couple….coz i did’t see yunho looking ara the same way yunho looking at jaejoong….yunho look at jaejoong wth full of love….^_____^..

    by the way…i read in yunjae facebook that changmin do somenthing harsh to Go Ara,because she always try to get closser to Yunho…Well, i think Min just trying to protect his father when his mommy away..hehe..


    • Kekekeke we believe based on wht we wanna believe
      Based on wht logically right in our eyes (howev sin it is)
      Most importantly, we believe based on fun…
      Yet its funny tht sometimes d situations were on our side

  • YJaddict says:

    though i dont understand some of it..keke. i still think YUNJAE is more real… =D yunra isn’t even REAL!!.. yunra is just for fanservice =P
    ohh… i thought that yunra thingy has already ended. when will it ever end??! tsk. ahah..

    anyways, i’d like to tell a story hehe (im so obessessed with yunjae)… In one of my subjects in school, we discussed about love, and my teacher said “LOVE grows deeper despite the difficulties and separation..” The first thing that popped in my mind was “YUNJAE!!!!” ahahaha… (my god, i cant concentrate in my studies LOL!)
    oh nothing, im just out of my mind again. ahaha

  • Hazelcard says:

    it reminds me at the moment when I read Yunra thread. When reading the arguments, my mind made so many counter-attacks (but I don’t wanna ruin the thread, lol). It’s just… if Yunra-shippers have 10 evidences to proof Yunra is real, then Yunjae shippers have more than 100 evidences to proof Yunjae is real.
    But I hope Yunjae shippers don’t hate Ara and don’t bash her. Afterall, she’s a good FRIEND of Yunho, right?
    Anyway, I wonder how Jaejoong feels for seeing bromance-thingy happens between HoMin.
    SM seems really push them to be a couple. And I see some people start going “yunho even said now that Changmin is his wife” or “I want Yunjae- fans see it and realize that Yunjae is no longer exist..”
    Don’t worry, I still believe in Yunjae 😀

    • nah~ SME tried to hard
      changmin wasnt typical who will agree w tht stupid fanservice
      cz in my eyes, lotta ppl bcme cassiopeia cz they’ in love w yunjae…
      n to beat yunjae’ fanservice…its just a tough mission

  • HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA, aduh mbakyu, aku dipendeliki mbokq gra2 mco iki tengah wengi (mah curhat) but seriously, t’was hilarious.

  • mắt xếch says:

    I’m pleased with the way you put it in JFL area dear, bcoz i’m laughing like crazy now =)) Where’s the Yun///ra part? Maybe this friend was trying to make Ara a love rival to Jaejoong, but somehow she/he fail so hard~ =.=”
    Anw, we dont really know Yunho/Jaejoong/////Ara in person so we dont know what’s hapening between them. But Yunjae vs Yun///ra? Oh please~~~~
    P.s: Have a nice summer, dear~

  • Hokuto/night_isis says:

    AHAHAHAHAHAHAHA OMG! The English translation doesn’t do justice for the indonesian Vers. Well, at least you tried so hard to translate it. 😉

    All fo them is so funny. And yep, oldies always said that oldest child is suitable to marry the youngest one. It helps the marriage to become peaceful eternally because the clashing of personality somehow click-in. *nod*

    For me, please~~dodol is not the one who need to take the blame. Dodol is far tastier than Yunra or Ara for that matter. XDXDDD

  • vampelody says:

    LMAO lucu banget ini, thanks ya udah sharing ❤

  • mchan says:

    revaaaaaa!!! sorrrrrrry telaaaaaat saaaaaay T_______T!!
    long time no chat, elo pegimane kabarnya neeeeh ^^?

    he3, suer deh, gowa baca ini fanacc lsg ilfil.
    emank sih, hak tiap2 org mo shipper sapa ma sapa
    tp ini anak rasanya kok maksaaa buanget…
    asli bikin sebel…

    oh well, she can think whtever she wanna think since i (and all of us here ^^) dun believe it one bit ^_____^!

  • sophie says:

    huahahahah XD gw bersyukur jadi orang Indo jadi gw bisa ngakak baca update an ny. and emang, gw ngakak berkali-kali XD
    gw selalu ktawa waktu baca bagian ‘security n manager’ sama ‘berdiri deket yunho’ emang kalo deket jd pacarnya?!! WOW! Brp banyak org yg poto bareng artis2 laen n mereka SEMUA itu pacarnya?
    WOW. bener2 WOW

    anyway, ada yah org yg bikin akun gaje kek gt? Keknya gosip YunRa itu muncul baru2 ini geh, abis bikin HTTG, tapi bareng our lovely Jaejoong umma? Nah, dari pertama karir aja uda bedua <333

    Well, eat that good-for-nothing-YunRa-account writer, try to get more realistic and open your eyes! If you want to make a pairing, mention the so-called-lover's name!! Not their manager or a freaking security.
    And for peternak hamster, I really enjoyed your update this time ^^
    Thank you for made my day 🙂 (gw bakal ikut ODS besok T.T)
    always keep the yunjae faith!!

    • few months in a movie wont beat 10 years tgt
      thts how it was, she just wont beat uri jaejoongie
      our jaejoongie is unbeatable *\(^__^)/*
      jae: yes i am~ thank u~ *evil smile*

  • douhua says:

    i was lol-ing like hell!! xD

    Hobby Yunho mencium Jaejoong
    Hobby Jaejoong Mencium Yunho

    there’s no doubt people..YUNJAE IS REAL! believe it or go die!
    yun//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////ra? you got to be kidding me xDD

    thank you for sharing <3!!!!!!!

  • saddy says:

    hahahahahahahahaha!this is total epic!i m laughing hard now.seriously,whoever tried to make the yunra facts failed miserably.yunjae facts r 1000 times more strong and related to the them,but these yunra facts doesnt even go near anywhere to them.LOL.
    thanks for sharing dear.all these things makes our love and belief for yunjae even stronger and loyal.cos we can clearly see what is real and what is not.yunjae is real!end of the story.LOL

    • glad it mkes u laugh dear ^^v
      its up to them wanna believe n shipping which couple
      bt us definetly got better delusional (if we r one) for believing somethg proved ^^

  • saddy says:

    and yep,the yunjae facts r totally more strong than the yunra things.i mean,yunra facts doesnt make any sense or relate to them.and jaejoong is much PRETTY then ara.

    • sometimes ppl just linked everythg unrelated just to deny other faith
      those who hate yunjae just tried hard to not believing it, just whn proofs served infront of their eyes, n began rambling bot coupling them w other, which had no proof at all ^^

  • echayoujin says:

    ngakaaaaaaaaaaaak, aku udah baca sebelumnya ini di fb. aku cuman komen:

    “Hhahahahahha (ngakak XD)”
    ga nyambung duh~ dibilang takdir apa itu, si ara gapernah bilang apa-apa, pada tahun 2001 yunjae pertama kali ketemu, eh pas kedua kalinya ketemu si jae malah bilang “ini takdir~” maaf un ini gamnyambung emang komen aku tapi gak tau aku hanya pengenketawa, makasih udah share ke yjship luar indonesia.. hehehe.

    • Kkkkk I knw, I laughed my ass out whn I received d email of ths, yet I phail miserably on engtrans it ><
      Aah I wish those who read d engtrans enjoy it as much as d indo ver

  • shin says:

    hey !
    what is the language in your writing at the beginning ?
    is it malay?

  • i really have a good laugh reading this. XDDD

  • rhinemath says:

    omgosh the indonesian post is so damn funny

    can’t help but to laugh like a crazy maniac
    btw do you have tumblr accnt??

  • LeeNa766hi says:

    =)) нªª˘°˘нªª˘°˘нªª˘°˘ ketawa
    ./”/ ‎​‎​‎​‎​‎​ нªª˘°˘нªª˘°˘нªª˘°˘ ampe
    _//_ нªª˘°˘нªª˘°˘нªª˘°˘ miling miling
    ‎​ǻđцћ.. ãмρέ.. àτіτ.. ρέчύτйỳà
    Шª ꪲ ꪲ κªЌ‎​​​hªª hªª =Dhªª
    ‎​​​​Ħ̀́̀́̀ǻ̀́:Dħ̀́̀́ɐ̀́̀́̀́=Dħ̀́̀́̀ǻ̀́<=-Pħ̀́̀́ɐ̀́̀́̀́=))ħ̀́̀́ǻ̀́<3<3ħ̀́̀́ɐ̀́̀́̀́.̀̀́̀̀́̀̀ ‎​☀̤̣̈̇ː̖́=))ђåαª(*)ђåαª(*)ђåαª(*)ђåαªː̗̀\=D/☀̤̣̈̇ː̖́

    Baru baca ini sumpah aduh duh sakitperut.. Yg buat ini asli shippernya keluar.. Yunra is fake, YunJae is real #damnitstrue ‎​​​​​‎​:)ªkªkª =Dªkªkª :Dªkªkª

  • love yunyunjeje says:

    wkekekek cantikan jaemma kemana2 drpd ara =P
    ea ampun apalagi paz rmbut na pnjang ky paz d rising sun huwaaaa >,<
    sumpah d stu jaemma cantik, cute n manieez bgt!
    d dangerous love ASTAGA tmen ane(bukn cassie) bilng: wah kok maniez+cantik tuh cwo.. #ntu paz d adegan d dlm mobil+paz jaemma bc ff yunjae xDD 😀

    d suatu konser, yunppa ngerangkul jaemma n tgn jaemma trangkat ampe mulut(ane ga tau jaemma agy apa) n wow, mreka mke cincin yg sma n persis!

    • Most beautiful jae formeh: mirotic
      Despite d fact his muscular body, his face, haircut, haircolor matcehd him best. He was glowing there (we all knw wae, mirotic concept of sexyness plus horny yunho means tired but glowing jae)
      To think tht yunjae only a fanservice…they did much more to only a fanservice.. Offshoot hugging n clinging to each other while they dun need it since no fans, n now they technically separated bt still call each other…u ask me: its aint fanservice, its beyond it ^w^

  • Boo says:

    cara penyampaiannya lucu banget!
    keren keren ^ ^
    haduh lega deh habis baca ini 😉

  • Nina says:

    lg jalan2,ga sengaja nyasar kesini….GENDEEEEENNNGGG!!!!!!!!

    WOW!!!! WOW!!!! WOW!!!!

    tu si admin ampe segitunya….

    fakta2nya yunjae menohok banget



  • kim hankyu says:

    keren keren ! aduh jadi pengen nangis gara2 ketawa tebahak2

  • wie chan says:

    ah… yang punya blog ini DODOL
    semuanya DODOL…. Gokil abiz .. Loe borong semua seeeh
    but it’s funny … thanks
    aq rada worry juga sih banyak rumor belakangan ini .. kaya Yunho pergi ke Atlanta and ARA juga ada di sana , meskipun udah di klarifikasi katanya yunho jenguk pamannya … tapi tetep watir euy

    ah Yunho and Jae tetep memilih di “grey area”
    bisa mati penasaran tuh yunjae shipper klo gak jelas begini
    tapi karena “grey area” itu lah
    mereka tidak meng “iya” kan atau konferensi pers gitu klo mereka “straight” biar cewek2 gak pada takut ma mereka… tapi kok mereka diem aja seribu bahasa… ehm kata orang dulu sih klo diem berarti “iya”

    jadi pengen dodol euy …

    • dun blame me *pout*
      as i ve said, i share wht i think fun formeh ^^

      just forget bot it…there’ story behind bt its forbid to be told ^^
      its okay, d drama of them isnt finish yet ^^
      those “grey area” just their safe card…if u knw wht i mean ^^ (if u dun, just forget bot it)

      eaaaaaa….*lempar dodol*

  • yuu-chan says:

    The indonesian one is sure funny, it’s kinda pity that you can’t translate in a good words that some of them didn’t as funny as the ind one, It’s ok though, thanks 4 sharing

  • thanks for the yunra facts because i love ara and yunho together! but the whole thing with trying to twist it into yunjae is a bit much.. don’t get me wrong though, i absolutely love and believe in yunjae 100% but i wish people didn’t have to bash ara or the yunra couple.

    • 信託私は、YUNRAは、上記よりも多くの事実がありました^ ^それは犯罪では、楽しみのためだけにありません
      im nt posting it so ppl able to bash yunra, they r naive if they did
      i culd careless abt yunra cz my fun is yunjae ^^

      -somethg they dunno wont hurt them-
      -sometimes…life didnt go as wht we expected-

  • Nomuna says:

    Aigoo, I never knew there were YunRa shippers let alone fanpage. Kkk.
    But I think, there’s no need to hate Ara. Maybe, poor girl is innocent and probably scared to anger Jaejoong. Hohoho.

    PS: The kiss scene in HTTG was too much for me. I thought Yunho is a good kisser. But I think, Joongie got his revenge in Protect the Boss. So they’re even now, kkk.

    • Uuh, well yunra probably not for selling bt they sure had fans also, like yunjae.. All pairing usually had their fans tht like them, its common…whether its real or not

      TBH I dropped my notebook frm d table to d floor when I saw d kissing scene in httg xD
      Cz when d cam zoomed it, jung’ lips was sucking at tht time
      Oh well..

  • Onkeyrazy says:

    Ah really,,, that is funny *gelindingan* Luckily I’m Indonesian :p
    Sorry for late comment, I read it yesterday 😥 *bow

    I believe that Yunjae were in love, kkk~ The fact was really close like people who fell in love to each other. Not like Yunra, they just for scene. whahaha

    That Yunra fact, most contain unrelated fact not like our Yunjae ne??? Hahaha

    I believe for Yunjae… Believe they will together for us…Don’t bash me 🙂

    Keep the faith Yunjae,, Yunjaeshipper, and Cassie :p
    Btw, can I copy this with full credit eonni??? Thank you ^^

  • dmechuu says:

    wahahahha…. LUCU~~
    beruntung saya indonesian…

    yunjae is real kemana2..
    dodol dibawa2 nih.. pasti jualan dodol aslinya ;p

    seperti kata SBY, lanjutkan~
    jadi ingat kata2 temen gw.. “gakpapalah yunjae terpisah sekarang asal kencan gerilya jalan terus..” XDDDD

  • ChanNuriza says:

    muahaaahahah I’m laughing so hard.. I love part “tanpa security,manager,teman, atau artis SM lainnya”.. how many times this sntence is repeated?? XDDDD

  • Sumpah, ngakak abis dan juga setuju sama fact diatas, ingat factnya aja bukan tulisan diatasnya lagi !! ckck Gak maksud ngbash ahra disini ataupun benci (kesel sebenernya) tapi liat postan info tentang Yunra bikin saya pribadi ngeluari kata “APA BANGET DAH!!” dan ketawa dengan muka kemenangan liat fact tulisan admin dibawahnya. Thanks atas infonya 🙂

  • Kiki Clouds says:

    kgak ada yunra-yunra’an ada nya YunJae.


    slh stu fakta : yunra klo kencan brng2 kru,mnajer dll. ap kgak rsih tuh ? gila fakta nya aneh bgt.

  • 905re says:

    Aduh aduh aduh,,,, mantafff bgt ini postingan! Bagian ‘taaruf’ pecah banget! ƗƗɑƗƗɑƗƗɑƗƗɑƗƗɑƗƗɑ…ˆ⌣ˆ

    Authornya paten bgt dah, segala security, manager sama artis SM dibawa2.
    ƗƗɑƗƗɑƗƗɑƗƗɑƗƗɑƗƗɑ…ˆ⌣ˆ ngakak abis sumpah!

    Daebak dabak daebak!

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